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Neverending Pending

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3 years ago
Mar 19, 2022, 3:56:59 PM

Hey guys!

I also have a serious problem with that "PENDING" bug and I figured out something

One thing for sure, at least in my computer, it has something to do with pirates.

Whenever I click on pirate curiosity or the quest which has battle with two Sophon ships, it triggers the PENDING bug.

The bug also occurs when you attack on auto generated pirate lair on any system.

The save file below checked on "No pirates" option but still has pirate related curiosities. My hypothesis is that one of AI clicked on pirate related curiosity and that caused the bug.

I really hope there would be a solution because I encounter this bug in every single new games :(

I just couldn't play this game for 3 years because of this bug

Thank you for reading this.

Neverending Pending 1.sav

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3 years ago
Mar 19, 2022, 5:07:32 PM

Do you perhaps have battle reports listed to the right side of screen (minimized ones)? Always delete them and game should go on.

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3 years ago
Mar 20, 2022, 6:06:42 AM
Groo wrote:

Do you perhaps have battle reports listed to the right side of screen (minimized ones)? Always delete them and game should go on.

No I don't have any battle report during this entire game.

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3 years ago
Mar 20, 2022, 1:02:33 PM

I had no problem on my end to end turn using your save file. So not sure what caused the pending turn bug on your end.

Next turn save file: Next turn.sav

I gave movement order to your explorer to the very left. So perhaps you want to change it.

Perhaps it's of use to upload the files requested in pinned tech support thread, for to get an idea what's wrong on your end.

Best greets, Groo

Edit: As long as I dismissed all reports listed to the right side before ending turn, I did a second try, not dismissing them. Same here, turn did progress successfully.

Next turn.sav

Updated 3 years ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 21, 2022, 6:57:52 AM

I was able to end turn too. Peculiarly, after ten seconds into your save, Horatio AI accepts your pending Map Share proposal. Maybe on your side this AI possibly hangs up while making decision?

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2 years ago
Mar 21, 2022, 10:36:39 AM

Then I have nothing to say...I really have no idea why this bug is still on my game. I heard that some bugs occur in non-English users. (I'm South Korean)  Anyways thanks for the save file and I'll test it. 

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2 years ago
Mar 21, 2022, 10:41:09 AM
Sublustris wrote:

I was able to end turn too. Peculiarly, after ten seconds into your save, Horatio AI accepts your pending Map Share proposal. Maybe on your side this AI possibly hangs up while making decision?

I think Horatio map exchange has nothing to do with the bug. I happened nonetheless there is map exchange or not. It happened when i clicked on pirate-related curiosity or end the current turn.

If it worked on your computer then it maybe has something to do with the Windows or Mac language, since some old bugs disappeared when i changed language from Steam option.

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2 years ago
Mar 21, 2022, 12:23:12 PM

Sadly, the "Next Trun" save also doesn't work on my computer, It would be really hard to figure out the cause of the bug :(

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2 years ago
Mar 21, 2022, 1:29:25 PM

What game version do you have displayed in lower right corner of game menu?

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