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Blank screen on startup in Endless Space 2

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2 years ago
Mar 30, 2022, 8:03:26 PM

Just out of nowhere the game has started giving me a blackscreen on startup. I can't see the intro videos or the menu but I can hear them. I can see the mouse pointer on menu.

I've tried reinstalling the game but no luck. Any idea what is causing this? It was working fine yesterday when I played.

Looked at threads with this issue and tried suggestions as well but no luck.

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a year ago
Jul 20, 2023, 5:26:57 PM

Same here. I've tried everything: reinstalling the game, updating drivers, changing resolution in the Registry.xml file, switching to windowed mode, running the game in compatibility mode with Windows 7, adjusting settings in the Nvidia control panel, but nothing seems to work.

In another forum, a user mentioned that he tried running the game with a second monitor, and magicaly it worked. It's something to do with the monitor/game update/GPU compatibility, for sure, but no idea of what. 

Update: Found a comment on a steam discussion where the user tried to change the resolution to 1280x768 and launch in windowed. It worked!!! Don't know why but that is the ONLY resolution the game works in my system. So anyway, hope this helps others still having the problem.

Updated a year ago.
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