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[PC/Steam] Never-ending "Ending turn..."

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2 years ago
Feb 24, 2023, 2:07:44 AM
  • Platform: PC/Steam
  • Description: After clicking 'end turn', control is never returned to the user.
  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Load the attached save       2. Click 'end turn'
  • Reproducibility: 5/5 (every time)
  • Expected Behavior: The game progresses to the next turn
  • Version: V1.5.48 55 GOLD-Public
  • Notes: Sometimes events for the next turn pop up, sometimes not, but either way the turn never completes.
  • Attachments: Save / Diagnostics / Output logs / DxDiag

Things I have tried, per other threads:

In game

  • Ensured I am completely closing all previous notifications every time, not minimizing
  • Cancelled the main war I am engaged with, as I originally saw numerous error messages in the logs regarding it
  • Cancelled all hacking attempts
  • Loaded saves from several turns before.  The problem always happens at the end of turn 94.

OS (Win10 x64 Pro)

  • Switched to run both Steam and ES2 as admin
  • Set Win7 compatibility mode for ES2
  • Confirmed firewall access is allowed
  • Verified C++ redistributable versions are sufficient (running v1.8)
  • Completely uninstalled and reinstalled ES2
  • Applied all available Windows and driver updates

All of this has resulted in no change.  This was my first playthrough.  It was seemingly fine for 94 turns before this started, though I do see a large amount of warnings in the output log.

First Sophons 20 - Turn 94 redux again without war.sav

Diagnostics - 2023'02'23 @1605'47''.zip



Alternate Google Drive -> link <- including two additional huge diag files spanning the entire game leading up the the problem.

Grateful for any help.

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2 years ago
Feb 24, 2023, 2:34:45 AM

This bug was caused by an AI error relating to hacking choices as far as I can tell, you can prevent it by turning penumbra off.

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2 years ago
Feb 24, 2023, 4:48:29 AM

I appreciate the feedback.  I see I can disable Penumbra from within the Steam library.  Is there any way to salvage the save or am I SOL and just need to start a new game after disabling Penumbra?  I loaded the save after making the change and there is still Penumbra content happening in the UI.  Starting from a save about 14 turns earlier, I got one turn further than I had originally (95) and it froze up again.

Also, for my own curiosity, which specific error did you key in on?

Thanks again.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 25, 2023, 4:49:59 PM

I was able to load a few turns earlier and just supremacied the civ I knew was hacking me just before I got into the situation at turn 94.  That salvaged the save.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direciton.

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