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Ideas for the multiplayer community

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:16:26 PM

Hello fellow multi players :) I am one of the VIP testers from ES2 and I have been passionate about the MP community from the very start. I was hoping we could suggest some MP features to get into the game. I will suggest some myself and give a link to them and I encourage you to consider either making your own ideas to improve the MP games and the MP community or if you like my ideas to vote it up and share it with anyone you think would also consider voting up the ideas.

Idea nr 1

Increased manpower effect on fleets

Rationale: It is too easy to overwhelm manpowerfull fleets with no manpowerfleets that you produce at large. 
Effect: Each 10% of full manpower nets 2% damage, 1% accuracy bonus (countering evasion) and 2% defensive bonus. For a grand total of 20% dmg 10% accuracy 20% defensive bonus at 100% manpower.

Idea nr 2

System and FIDSI loss victory conditions

Rationale: Many MP players prefer to end the game once there is a clear winner. For some an option to end the game at such a point would speed up the game. 
Effect: Option to set x number of systems lost with x % of your empires FIDSI as a loss condition removing you from the game and removing all your systems. Hopefully this creates tense MP games where you have to keep defending your systems and patrolling borders matters.

Idea nr 3

Set teams option

Rationale: Currently ES2 is a great free for all fight  with diplomatic deals to end up as alliances possible during the game progress. However an option to create teams at the start of the game could mean MP games of 2v2 3v3 or also for single players to learn from the computer or play cooporatively vs the computer. 
Effect: An option to set teams at start creating shared vision/maps, shared wonder effects and shared technology and shared victory conditions. 

link: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/894-set-teams-option

Idea nr 4

Statistics and achivements between games

Rationale: While each game of ES2 in itself is very fun the fun could be even more improved by having statistics follow you from game to game in MP and SP. 
Effect: The games2gether platform will now also store game statistics for single player and multi player.  Some examples: For each game difficoutly number of games won and lost, total score between games, average score and top score for each victory condition. Other interesting statistics like manpower lost / gained average total and highest could be interesting as well as the same for ships cp and industrial value would be examples of fleshing this system out even more.  Achievments would be tied to this for anyone holding the highest score but also achivements for number of games played and average across 100 games 200 games etc.  There would be one such statistics tab on games2gether for MP and one for SP so you can achieve in both modes.

Idea nr 5

ELO rating system ladder in MP for Fight for all (and if added set teams 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 etc)

Rationale: While each game of ES2 in itself is very fun the fun could be even more improved by having an ELO rating system track your progress against opponents.
Effect: Tied to the games2gether platform is an ELO ranking for FFA. If adding set teams idea one could develop this further with 2v2,3v3,4v4 etc.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:57:46 PM

My eyes. @_@

Please use something different than the Impact font.

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 8:13:52 PM

It's better now. :)

I fully support the 1rst point, as I was thinking to something like that too. The rest is more 'multiplayer' focused so I dont know, why not!

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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 12:32:58 PM

Read ideas, assigned points as seemed fit and provided further comments individually, I would be glad to dicuss further.

What does one have to do to attain such a privilige as VIP tester?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 3:23:16 PM
koxsos wrote:

Read ideas, assigned points as seemed fit and provided further comments individually, I would be glad to dicuss further.

What does one have to do to attain such a privilige as VIP tester?

Hey. Thanks for taking your time and ideas into the discussion. That is exactly what I was hoping for as I certainly do not have all the good ideas alone :)

Regarding VIP: I do not pretend to know what the developers exactly are looking at for this and perhaps they can share the viewpoint on this but in general I believe you cannot go wrong with being active in the community and showing a passion and interest for the game and having balanced and reflected opinions and doing all of this over time. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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