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Manual for modding Endless Space 2

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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 1:33:08 PM
Ninakoru wrote:

Also as a request, could you add the option to edit the registry file on a later patch? (Public/Registry.xml) There are a few cool formulas there that I want to mod :P

Wow, I hadn't looked at that file. I second getting access to that one!

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7 years ago
Jun 13, 2017, 6:35:53 PM

Registry contains a lot of important stuff, some of it essential to modding things like factions!

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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 8:36:42 AM

I can't figure out how to use these to add a certain starting resource to my homeplanet (jadeonyx). Could it be done with these files?

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7 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 8:27:00 AM
Ninakoru wrote:

Hi Dagart,

I'm trying to modify industry costs for buildings, but is not overriding the original values. My xml file contains this plugin element:

            <DatabasePlugin DataType="IndustryConstructibleElement, Assembly-CSharp">
                    <ExtraType DataType="StarSystemImprovementDefinition, Assembly-CSharp" />

Adding the entire mod if you happen to check the issue:

Game Balance.zip

Also as a request, could you add the option to edit the registry file on a later patch? (Public/Registry.xml) There are a few cool formulas there that I want to mod :P

Good news: we corrected the bug in the last update and you will now able to override the original values.
Concerning the option to edit the registry file, we are on it.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 11:19:57 AM
Dagart wrote:

> Added a new version of the "DataTypes" list: Endless Space 2-22062017.xml

What does this new datatypes file contain ?

As in; all aspects in the game, those that plan to be moddable or those are currently moddable ? 

As it contains


Despite the Registry not being moddable

Dagart wrote:
Concerning the option to edit the registry file, we are on it.

Which would suggest it contains either all aspects in the game, those that plan to be moddable but then it does not contain 


So was the localization plugin just missed or what is the distinction of something being in this file ?

Also another question with (see below) being in the file does this mean that mods can or will be able to contain assemblies? (even if only to replace the Ai Core dll or will they be allowed more functionality?)

<AIPlugin Configuration="Release">


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7 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 12:28:40 PM

Hey Painter448!

This new file is like the DataTypes.txt file: it lists all DataBase plugins you could need to call to edit a "public xml". It is more complete, with the last added plugins but some of them will not be useful (it's not the list of every aspect of the game that you could mod, now or later).
Localization use is own plugin (and not a DataBase plugin) this is why it's not on the list ;) (and nor in the initial DataTypes.txt file)

Also another question with (see below) being in the file does this mean that mods can or will be able to contain assemblies? (even if only to replace the Ai Core dll or will they be allowed more functionality?)

Allow you to modify the AI made part of our plans, just like the registry file. I hope to be able to tell you more, soon!

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7 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 12:59:00 PM

Hey just a quick question for you modders:

How bad do you need/want the UI slots list to be updated with Unfallen ships?

Just so I know when to squeeze it in.


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7 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 12:59:41 PM
Dagart wrote:

it lists all DataBase plugins you could need to call to edit a "public xml". It is more complete, with the last added plugins but some of them will not be useful

So I cross refrenced this list with the diagnostics log of the game running through each database plugin when activating a mod and it looks like the lists are near identical so what do you mean by "some of them will not be useful" do the files they edit not have any effect or is modding support not fully implimented for these datatypes just yet.

Localization use is own plugin (and not a DataBase plugin) this is why it's not on the list ;) (and nor in the initial DataTypes.txt file)

I thought that at first but the file does also contain <AIPlugin> & <RegistryPlugin> which is what caused the confusion. 

Thanks for clearing the confusion up.


WeaponizedCaffeine wrote:

Hey just a quick question for you modders:

How bad do you need/want the UI slots list to be updated with Unfallen ships?

Just so I know when to squeeze it in.


I think it will not need to be prioritised, As I am (as well as a few other modders I expect) currently occupied with looking at the new modding possiblities with the new datatypes list out, E.g. now that Galaxy generation (along with other things) is moddable I think there will be a focus on that. But it will be nice to have. 

But if you are taking requests I would like to know the RemappingDefinition Names and MaterialData Names for remapping the hero ships textures (and pathfinders if possible) 

Updated 7 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 8, 2018, 3:55:48 PM

I tried to update my german language mod an got a failure message ending with this one:


My guess is - as long as I had a list of 3 pages with changes/uploads for my mod - this was too excessive for steam log limit. So I removed the mod from Steam workshop (wheteher I found any hint how to fix it in another way, nor could I delete the mod log files) and tried to upload it again. Same error message...

Any help/advice would be appreciated.

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6 years ago
Jun 11, 2018, 9:11:57 PM

Content of starter pack:



The modded files:














Latest change was in Es2_Update8_MinorQuestDLC_Locales file. Anyway, my guess is, I did upload too many changes, so that some kind of log file in background (for changes only) is full, now. Could be steam related, could be ES 2 related. Not sure so far. My latest changes were only text based (like always). So nothing, what should cause trouble. Finally I decided to remove mod, for to upload it new (and to delete that change log file that way). Didn't help... And don't be confused by the large number of german language mod text files. It did work - believe me.


I Did change this (not translated to german) command line:

<LocalizationPair Name="%MinorPopulationQuest21-Choice03Objective">On the $ZvaliSystemName System with Z'vali, gather $Amount06Name [galvrans] Galvrans.</LocalizationPair>


<LocalizationPair Name="%MinorPopulationQuest21-Choice03Objective">Siedle im $ZvaliSystemName System mit den Z'vali $Amount06Name [galvrans] Galvrans an.</LocalizationPair>

And did report missing translation here: Typos-Localization?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 12:23:39 PM

The actual message is LimitExceeded. "LogMessage" is just a prefix we add to turn the message into a localization key, and it may be misinterpreted.

So the issue has (probably) nothing to do with the changelogs, it's more that... there's something you did too much for some reason?

Or maybe the mod is too big, but that's unlikely (texture replacement mods are a bazillion times larger)

Since the error we get from the steam API is so vague I can't tell much more...

I found several broken/empty mods you uploaded on the workshop, are you aware of this?
I can't download them using the developer powers thingy so I guess they're the result of an error.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 5:50:32 PM

Steam Cloud... thanks for feedback. I'll check it out tomorrow and will report here.

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 1:00:43 PM
MonAmiral wrote:

I found several broken/empty mods you uploaded on the workshop, are you aware of this?
I can't download them using the developer powers thingy so I guess they're the result of an error.

Nope, didn't know about. Could I fix anything on my side?

CyRob wrote:

I assume the error is k_EResultLimitExceeded from SubmitItemUpdateResult_t's m_eResult,

Which Valve notes to mean: "The preview image is too large, it must be less than 1 Megabyte; or there is not enough space available on the users Steam Cloud."

Modlcon.jpg file (the preview image) has a seize of 48 kb.

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 1:01:34 PM

Ok, upload does work as expected, now. Didn't change anything, so far. It's magic... thanks for help, agian!

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