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Pejman's edited XML files

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 1:55:05 PM

Disclaimer : Any modifications to the game files can produce unwanted effects and throw off the game balance (and can also have some adverse effects the the IA players).


To find the endless space folder just go to steam library and right click on ES2 --> proprieties --> local files Tab --> browse local files

Although i think i mostly did my job correctly so it shouldn't happen, if you have any problems let me now

also an easy way to restore to default configuration is to go to proprieties --> local files Tab --> verify integrity of cache ,  it should give you the "factory" build

You just need to drag and drop the files and overwrite when prompted, to get the files from the .xml you can just right click and "save as" when in the .xml file on your browser

Update : new mode for Update2

Modulable Manpower on ships

Reduce base manpower on ships a lot and adds support slot to fill or not for the loss of manpower (so you don't have to build ships neededing 100 or 300 manpower when you won't use them for invasion)

Slots are : signle for smal ships, x2 for medium ships and x4 for largeships , that should allow you to have about the same amount of manpower as before if filled with basic manpower module (note that while they work as intended these slots are not tagged x2 or x4 on UI)


Voydani Quest + Building reward : Cattle Farms

This mod add a small quest (brainwash a Minor Civ) and rewards a building (500 production cost -30 food on the system + 20 essence). Always thought it was strange that the voydani wouldn't keep at least a few people to feed on in a preserve or something, well now they can. The quest is independent and can be completed together with the Chapter 1 step 2 (cloth and the church 2) quest where you have to brainwash a minorciv.

The quest should proc by itself at turn 10

Localisation is english only (for now) !!! other languages will see errors instead of text but it should still work

The contents are to be droped in the EndlessSpace2/Public folder 


Lowered Influence Border Growth

Lower the border growth speed (mostly visible in late game, early borders should be about the same) making it much much harder to cover the whole galaxy with the influence of your home system

Path : Endless Space 2\Public\Simulation


Population based unhapiness : 

Never found it strange that Lumeris get negative approval from their home planet or that species that lived in gas planet suddenly decide it's the worst planet ever?

- unhappiness from planet removed

- population now gets -1 hapiness for each planet tier they are on (temperate = tier 0, atoll = tier 1 ....... ice = tier 4 and gaz are tier 5)

- some population gets +- hapiness depending on their home planet/their bonus (for instance mavros gets better industry on hot, so i gave them +1 happiness on hot and -1 on cold)

- Bots minorfaction unhapiness from planet tier halved (they are bot they shouldn't suffer as much from the elements) (wanted to lower voydani unhapiness but they have low pop count, so they already have less unhappiness)

If people want to try it and give me some returns

Path : EndlessSpace2/Public


Bigger Planets, Bigger Systems, lower planet tiers

Space colonisation for Newbies

path : Endless Space 2\Public\GalaxyGenerator

you can actually open it and fiddle with the weight definitions, it's not hard to do and you can customize it the way you like


 Bellow are old files from Before Update 1
Fixed truce behavior :

Truce will now prevent you from hostile action against ships and systems but will keep borders open

Location to drop file :  Endless Space 2\Public\Diplomacy

Fully Colonizable Galaxy 

Removed all tier 4 telluric planets and replaced them by the one 1 level beneath (lava to ash, ice to ocean, baren to artic and desert to arid)

Removed gaz planets from all systems but a few (since there is a minor faction linked to them)


Location to drop file : Endless Space 2\Public\GalaxyGenerator

(i will probably post a "magical galaxy" with uber high ressource repartitions and only huge planets in big systems if anyone wants)

Break truce

Will let you declare war again after truce has been forced on you


Location to drop file :  Endless Space 2\Public\Diplomacy

Oddly enough the IA players will respond correctly knowing you broke a truce, i think a higher tier diplomacy tech (unavailable yet) may provide the ability to break truce since these dialogues were already implemented

More to come

Enjoy your game ;)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 5:12:58 PM

You sir are a Gentlemen and a Scholar. Thank you! Will try these edits and post back at some point. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 6:54:50 PM

i'm happy these are to your liking, let me know if you encounter any issues (there shouldn't be though)

Also note that even though i removed the ice and baren planets we can still find the unique planets of these types (i could remove them too but i didn't it's just 1 or 2 planets and i had issues only with the fact that sometimes half my constelation is uncolonizable)

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 3:19:08 PM

I loved your XML file for the last patch, any chance you could upload a new version? I know we are now able to colonize Gas Giants in the new patch, but I would rather just take them out. Also is there any way to change the variables towards larger planets and systems with more planets? That was an option in ES1 on game creation, but a lot of those features are not implemented yet and I would prefer them.

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 6:17:24 PM

I can post a file with big planets big system low tier (more temperate less lava and hostile) if you want

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 9:23:42 PM

Big planets, big system and just put most gas giants to telluric planets if you would not mind, I would really appreciate that.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 3:34:58 AM

Here : i increased the probability of huge planets by a lot (you still get tiny and small from time to time though so it's not always the same stuff)

Most star will get a lot of good planets, but i left 1 or 2 star type for gaz giants (since we also have improvements based on them now) , gaz giants are actually really great in late game (they are overscpecialized)

path : Endless Space 2\Public\GalaxyGenerator

you can actually open it and fiddle with the weight definitions, it's not hard to do and you can customize it the way you like ;)


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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 6:06:07 PM

For those interested i made a mod with the following effects :

- unhappiness from planet removed

- population now gets -1 hapiness for each planet tier they are on (temperate = tier 0, atol = tier 1 ....... ice = tier 4 and gaz are tier 5)

- some population gets +- hapiness depending on their home planet/their bonus (for instance mavros gets better industry on hot, so i gave them +1 happiness on hot and -1 on cold)

- Bots minorfaction unhapiness from planet tier halved (they are bot they shouldn't suffer as much from the elements) (wanted to lower voydani unhapiness but they have low pop count, so they already have less unhappiness)

If people want to try it and give me some returns

Path : EndlessSpace2/Public


PS : i am open to requests if you want an extra law slot for dictatorship or a godmod i can give these to you (well most of these anyway ^^)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 8:27:35 PM

So I have been playing around with the Weighted XML sheet, and I think the parameters for home systems is under a different file or something. I have set the minimum number of planets to 4 for all star types, and it works for everything but Faction (both minor and major) home systems. No matter what I did I could not get more than 4 planets in my home system and other minor factions have 1-4 as well.

I found some XML files under the Plug-ins folder that seemed to pertain to home systems, but it had the Factions from ES1 in it.

Any thoughts where the parameters for the home system is?

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 10:37:17 PM

I think that homesystem as well as unique planet placement/config are still hardcoded in unity assets files

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8 years ago
Dec 10, 2016, 5:23:13 PM

Update : added a new quest and a new building mod, now voydanis can build a system improvement that allows them to get passive essence at the cost of system food (-30 food + 20 essence)

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8 years ago
Jan 25, 2017, 9:52:19 AM

Pejman, with the new tech tree, just investigating yesterday, I think it's perfectly feasible to insert an invention there :) :) :)

(I'm not sure about icons though).

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8 years ago
Jan 25, 2017, 10:58:18 AM

you can still graft a tech on an existing node of the tree, but I'm not sue about how to make a new tech altogether, may need to ask someone (meedoc probably >.>)

i'm trying to make a siege ship at the moment (basically a dreadnought with a siege mode action that would make it unable to move but with much higher firepower and shields, changing modes costs action points)

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 9:49:15 AM
Pejman wrote:

you can still graft a tech on an existing node of the tree, but I'm not sue about how to make a new tech altogether, may need to ask someone (meedoc probably >.>)

i'm trying to make a siege ship at the moment (basically a dreadnought with a siege mode action that would make it unable to move but with much higher firepower and shields, changing modes costs action points)

Just follow the white rabbit names of nodes :)

Then create when needed ?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 4, 2017, 10:15:34 AM

I know it's been a while and I'm basically necro-ing this thread, but is playing with the galaxy generator .xml still viable, now since multiplayer supports been added?

 I figured that it may be possible to play with a few friends on a galaxy of your own .xml settings, and I made an educated guess that the players themselves download the generated galaxy file instead of needing their own .xml settings tweaked the same way, since the Gal-Gen is basically just a bunch of variables that are typically preset into the available galaxy settings in the Lobby menu.

Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about.

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