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Getting rid of Ecologist

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 2:33:10 PM

Anyone know of a way to deactivate ecologist, been searching through the files and trying to change things that mention politics, but it doesnt seem to have much effect in the game. If there is a way to turn ecologist gains into industry gains or whatever would be fine aswell.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 4:30:56 AM

What I remember from looking over most of files in the Public/Simulation folder is that quite a few things apply a bonus to political opinion to a Politics*. It looks like if you don't want to change all the Politics04(ecologist) to Politics01(industrialist) changing the trend in PoliticsDefinitions.xml from PoliticsTrend04 to PoliticsTrend01 might work. It should leave the party intact so the game doesn't throw a fit. 

If you're changing you base game files make sure you backup (make a copy) of the original before editing the files in the Public folder. 

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 12:14:49 PM

Didnt seems to stop the ecologist rampage, it feels like if you have more than 1 species which is hard to avoid cause getting rid of people is a pain, you just get swamped by ecologist. Gonna try to change every political event, maybe that will take the edge off.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 8:03:40 PM

It's funny that you have such a hard time with ecologist. Must be a playstyle thing, because inevitably my games are overrun with scientist political opinion. I'll keep looking when I've got time. I'm currently looking at other parts of the code to see about fixing some other things.

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