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Save Editing .BIN files in WordPad++ (Not Working)

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7 years ago
Jun 13, 2017, 7:09:03 AM

I've unzipped the save folder and opened the galaxy map file in Notepad++, like I did with the original Endless Space.

But all of the values are hidden behind 'Null'.

I was hoping to change a few planets around but I can't find any planet names, territory names etc. Anybody have any ideas?

There are a few planet name refferences in other files but nothing useful by the looks of it, for example, the kyris system:


I was hoping to add Jadeonyx and Transvine to my starting system as I only play tiny maps and there's usually only one deposit, on the other side of the galaxy.

It looks like all of the data I need is in the 'Galaxy' file but that has no planet names etc. I can see the general gist of it, huge lava with 'x' is based here and connected too 'x' but it's a hassle to figure out without the names, not to mention the luxury resource lines have some nulls before it meaning if I copy it, it's likely the wrong code.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 13, 2017, 3:42:14 PM

Modding forum tends to move pretty slow. That said I have no experience looking at save games.

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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 6:55:32 AM

Thank you Kareal, i'll keep coming back here to check on the post from time to time then.

So far, even modifying the slightest word: Terran to Lava for example, makes the whole game corrupted.

Changing the custom race stats works, but then the game forces you to change them back when loading.

I tried making the starting race have a strategicresource1 on a new game then changed it to strategicresource2 when I found the planet through descriptions, but this causes the corruption too. No idea, at the moment i'm just perma restarting until I find Jade/ Trans nearby, which hasn't happened in the past 59 attempts >>

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7 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 8:27:45 AM

I'm not super experienced with what you're trying to do, but I think I can help with a few pointers at least:

So far, even modifying the slightest word: Terran to Lava for example, makes the whole game corrupted.

This is probably due to the save referencing the same objects in different parts so if you modify a planet type from Terran to Lava... chances are it's still a Terran somewhere else, thus corrupting your save.

Basically, text-editing a binary save file is rarely a good/viable idea (hence why some other games have two save options: Compressed (usually Binary, fast but hard to edit) and Uncompressed (slower but editable via a simple text editor).

Another option (I haven't tested this myself so it's mainly an educated guess) would be to edit the save via a binary/hex editor but it's much more complex and you pretty much have to know what you're doing.

I hope this helps :)

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