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Playable Milky Way

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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 12:01:50 PM

Hello guys,

as some of you might know, or don't know, the European Space Agencies probe GAIA, launched in 2013 is constantly producing data of stars and their location in our galaxy.

I'm planning to use this data, and from other sources as well, to create a mod with real data solar systems.


This way it would be possible to explore solar systems in Endless Space 2. Not only our Sun but also neighbor systems, where we have some sort of information.
There are constantly spottings of new planets and their orbits and also properties like size and temperature can be determined. 


Ofc, there are way too many solar systems out there to all fit into 1 map for playing, but this way we can add some randomness and balance to the gaming experience.

In the end, it is a lot of data which needs to be processed and compiled into Endless Space 2, but I think it is worth te effort to have a close to realistic playable map of our galaxy(at least a very small part of it ;)


Anyone else interested in that?
I would also appreciate help in any way. (Modding, data processing, visuals, texts, ....)


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 4:00:15 PM

Its possible I think... a whole lot of work as you would basically need to work around the galaxy generator in a multitude of ways and even then you would need a specific map seed number to get the rough appearance.

Ultimatly I don't think it would be worth the time it would take, I've been struggling to get any of the map settings to visibly change at the moment.

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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 6:46:17 PM

I think this is a fantastic idea. Not sure how I could help, as I have no modding skills whatsoever, but I'd be happy to help if at all possible.

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