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Possible to improve Hardship Ready feedback loop?

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7 years ago
Jul 18, 2017, 9:13:48 PM


Currently, when you have the Hardship Ready law in effect, there's 0 way to know which planets you can colonize thanks to your science, and which will only output 50% of their FIDS.

I think there's two things that could be done here :
- One is changing the colonization flag color depending on what allows the colonization to differentiate a priori planets

 --> Is it moddable ? I don't for now understand the modding system, but I don't want to dive for hours in it for a dead end ^^

- One is having an empire level summary somewhere (in the law tooltip maybe ?) with the number of planets you have colonized and their types which are suffering the penalty, to easily know how to prioritize research.

 --> Same question :D

Thanks a lot !


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7 years ago
Jul 18, 2017, 9:31:51 PM

Good point.

I also have a question: Once you research the needed colonization tech, does the FIDS malus then go away?

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7 years ago
Jul 18, 2017, 10:04:11 PM
C4stor wrote:

I think there's two things that could be done here :
- One is changing the colonization flag color depending on what allows the colonization to differentiate a priori planets

 --> Is it moddable ? I don't for now understand the modding system, but I don't want to dive for hours in it for a dead end ^^

- One is having an empire level summary somewhere (in the law tooltip maybe ?) with the number of planets you have colonized and their types which are suffering the penalty, to easily know how to prioritize research.

It might be moddable, I could add a count in the law tooltip but only if they allow ($vars) in the localization. and it allows me to create that variable in the first place So I will have to get back to you on that. As for changing the flag colour it might be possible but I will have to look in the files to see if certain aspects are hard coded or not.

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