So recently I've been playing around with some shipdesign mods, and I've figured out how to add new ship roles, add module slots, etc.  But I'm trying to add a new shipsize, and while the system reccognizes the new command point requirements and hull weakness, etc, in the simulation descriptors, I'm having two problems:

1.  The GUIElement for ShipSize in the ship design screen insists that it is missing, even though as far as I can tell, I have the proper GUIElement and Localization entry

2. Since I obviously can't add *new* ship hulls, I'm just using the standard large carrier hull for my new ship role, but when I try to assign it the new ShipSize, some issue with the way the system chooses which actual hull graphics to use means that I guess it searches for Hull[ShipSize]01[Faction], and comes up with nothing, so it grabs the default ShipHull01 for the Sophon Small Attack Ship, which obviously is visually not great and kicks all my module slots out into weird screen positions.

There appears to be a "RepresentativeMappingOverride" option, but it doesn't actually work to force the large carrier hull.

Is there anyway I can manually pick what hull design I want to apply, regardless of ShipSize?  I know I can just assign most of the ShipSize modifiers to the ClassHull descriptor.  But I would prefer to do it with ship size if possible.