Hello all,

I managed to do a fair amount of modification in my mod but i'am struggling with an issue which seems related to class hierarchy.

Here is what i try to achieve : a temporary 5 turn boosts that would up xp gained by heroes assigned to system or fleets by 10 percent.

No issue with the first one, with system (note, i know that 0.9 is too much it's only for debug purposes, to have more clear numbers)  :

<Modifier TargetProperty="ExperiencePerTurn"    Operation="Percent" Value="0.90" Path="ClassStarSystem/ClassHero" />

However, impossible to achieve the same effect for heroes assigned to fleets. I tired many variants

<Modifier TargetProperty="ExperiencePerTurn"    Operation="Percent" Value="0.6" Path="ClassEmpire/ClassGarrisonFleet/ClassHero" />

<Modifier TargetProperty="PassiveShipExperienceRewardForAdmirals"    Operation="Percent" Value="0.6" Path="ClassEmpire/ClassGarrisonFleet/ClassHero" />

Whatever the property i modify (PassiveShipExperienceRewordForAdmirals is used, in fine, to calculate experiencePerTurn), no modifier applied although it's correctly seen by the game engine (in the following screenshot, don't take into account the 240%)

However in the debugging console no such 60%

From what i understood (and what i can see from debugger) : 

  1. ClassGarrisonFleet is a child of ClassEmpire
  2. ClassHero is a child of ClassGarrisonFleet 
Therefore, ClassEmpire/ClassGarrisonFleet/ClassHero should be the correct path to reference. That's what i tried 

Is there something missing ?

Note : Same issue if i try to boost every ship of a fleet (and not only hero's one) with ClassEmpire/ClassGarrisonFleet/ClassShip
