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Launch Argument Help

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3 years ago
Jun 5, 2021, 11:45:38 PM

Hello, hopefully a developer or someone who knows what this does can help explain, but I was looking through the game and trying to document all the launch arguments, and I found one that seemingly lets you launch mods as the game starts.

When I was looking at the C# (which I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post here or not), I found an IEnumerator function called LoadRuntime that checks for a "+mod" launch argument, and seems to load the URL of any mod you throw at it. I'm completely unsure what the syntax for using this launch argument is though, I've been experimenting a bunch but nothing seems to work. I did however manage to come across a bit of code that made it clear that a question mark was the only valid separator. It seems to expect +mod and then some kind of argument, I'll list what I've tried below (with URL being replaced by the url for my mod)

  • +mod URL
  • +mod?URL
  • +mod ?URL
  • +mod URL?
  • +mod +URL
  • +URL
  • +URL?
Anyone know how to make this launch argument work?
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