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Modding Hulls socket offset locations

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3 months ago
Dec 24, 2024, 7:57:29 AM

I've been able to mod just about everything i've set my mind to on ES2 thus far however there's one thing I cannot find nor understand.  How does the offset for sockets work when designing hulls. I recently downloaded a mod my Archon which allows you to modify designs for pirate ships etc however some of the sockets are almost off screen and some of them are super imposed upon one another or over some other screen textbox where they shouldn't be.  I'm starting to think the problem has nothing to do with their mod but I would like to know where the xml file is located and what properties need to be changed and what they mean.  Is there anyone kind enough to shed some light on this issue for me?

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3 months ago
Jan 12, 2025, 2:57:35 PM

I read this long, long time ago: you cannot adjust new sockets, this is tied to the ship prefab, and edition as is, only let you tag an already existing location, as you well said, if you add new slots, they will go to a side of the screen regardless.

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