My Dust income tanked from one turn to the next. What’s happening?
Sudden Dust Loss! What Happened?
6 years ago Dec 12, 2018, 10:03:05 PM

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There can be multiple reasons. Did you abandon a law that gave additional dust? Did some dust-intense buildings or fleets finish this turn (both require dust per round for upkeep after all)?
A drop in your populations happiness due to overcolonization or over-opulation might also be the cause, as high values grant a big percentual bonus on dust too.
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Why do you report rcw?
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Hi DevildogFF,
You'll want to look for things that changed rapidly between the last turn that it was fine and the next turn where it wasn't as many things could be responsible. I'll suggest some things below.
-If you released many fleets of high upkeep ships from the hangers (which either don't cost upkeep or have vastly reduced upkeep when in hangers.
-If you enacted or abolished a policy that directly translates to a change in dust production.
-If your happiness/approval is extremely low it can drastically reduce production of a lot of things including dust.
-If your trade routes are blockaded by pirates or other factions you may face a highly reduced income as the route is cut off from its destination.
-You may have gotten an event which increased your dust income either directly or indirectly which suddenly expired and lead to the loss of previous income.
-Ingame dust inflation over time can inadvertently effect dust income.
-If you were getting dust income per turn from other factions as per a trade deal (or a canceled trade agreement) once that expires it can drastically reduce dust income also.
-If your production you found has been ramping up a lot, you might have built many of something either buildings or fleets/heroes, if many complete on the same turn it could drop your dust income massively.
I hope my suggestions might have helped,
good luck with your economics in future,
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Why do you report Pyrocite?
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Another reason may be that you had an x quantity of behemoth and finished building the behemoth cap system improvement (forgot its name). That doubles your behemoth unkeep, meaning that if you were paying, lets say 10k, for them now you are paying 20k.
Hope it helps :)
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Why do you report Balrog?
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Shadow Guardian
Another reason is you could have a trade route being blocked by an opposing factions ships.
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Why do you report ValhallasAshes?
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Also Inflation spike / loss of approval.
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Feature Transformer
If it was early game it could also be that you completed a quest in which some mercenary ships joined your army, taking more dust for your army upkeep.
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Why do you report ViviSection?
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Or if you were razing an opponents system and it just completed. Razing enemies systems instead of occopying them gives a huge dust boost for multiple turns (based on the number of buildings and pop of the system).
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Why do you report dombom88?
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Shadow Supremacy
A riddle of Night, Time, and Shade; A riddle of Circles, Brass, and Blade. These are the six characteristics of the hidden Clockworks.
rcw wrote:Did some dust-intense buildings or fleets finish this turn (both require dust per round for upkeep after all)?
As rcw wrote, it can be very likely to be buildings or fleet, with the fleet being especially hard on dust, especially if the majority are say, carriers or behemoths (Behemoths not the majority of fleet, but as in you still have over the average amount). If you've at all created many military fleets but not worked on economy as much, they could be draining it from you. You can always see how much upkeep is affecting the dust by hovering your cursor over the amount of dust you have.
I know that, from experience, military fleets can damage your income a whole lot. I was losing over 3K dust because of military upkeep once..
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Why do you report Ventachor?
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