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Low-Quality Vodyani Music



6 years ago Jun 15, 2019, 2:05:14 AM

Whenever I play the game as the Vodyani faction, I experience very low-quality tracks. I've done some searching online and on the Steam forums but have not found anything helpful. How do I resolve this issue?

Selected answer
6 years ago
Jul 30, 2019, 7:00:12 PM

This could be due to many factors but I'll comment on  2:

Sampling of your audio output.

Check that your audio output is correct and in line with the quality of your physical headphones.

For example, to put it bluntly, a nice pair of headphones or speakers would sound better with a high sampling rate. But downsample and you will hear "weird" effects.

You can check this in your windows sound output settings. For example I use 24bit 48 Khz

Equalizers and sound "enhancements"

- They are only good for 2 purposes. Enhancing crappy audio headphones or speakers and isolating or pumping up certain noises like footsteps or gunfire in certain games.

Everything else... Turn it off. The artist has made so much effort in provide an experience with the sound. If you "enhance it" it is not the original, therefore, things can go wrong hearing it.

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6 years ago
Jun 19, 2019, 8:05:42 AM

Sorry, but in what sense? Maybe this is a feature of the musical accompaniment of this particular faction? It seems like in ES2 each faction has its own musical accompaniment.

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6 years ago
Jun 25, 2019, 2:17:57 AM

The tracks sound static-y, and as if they are supposed to be playing at a higher quality (bit-rate I think is the term).

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6 years ago
Jun 26, 2019, 9:04:07 PM

Do you experience any issues with the audio tracks for other factions? Are you using headphones, stereo speakers, or a 5.1 surround sound system, and do your game options for audio match the audio device you're using? Lastly, have you already tried verifying the integrity of the local game files or reinstalling?

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6 years ago
Jun 27, 2019, 10:24:24 PM

I haven't experienced this issue with any other tracks or while playing any other faction. I'm using headphones and my game audio options match the device. I've tried verifying the integrity of the files and it comes up fine but I havne't tried re-installing the game yet. I'll give it a shot, thank you.

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6 years ago
Jun 28, 2019, 4:51:11 PM

Re-installing the game doesn't seem to have made any difference. The main track that seems to be affected is the Vodyani theme (To Rise, Virtual). It's not the entire song that's affected but rather the 2nd group (male group) of chanting in the song. It sounds like I mentioned before, as if it's of a very low quality or bit-rate. The song aside, the fanfare on receiving a new quest is affected by this in the same way (it is also a bit of chanting but seems to be the female group). These two stick out to me the most and I can't seem to fix them.

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6 years ago
Jul 30, 2019, 7:00:12 PM

This could be due to many factors but I'll comment on  2:

Sampling of your audio output.

Check that your audio output is correct and in line with the quality of your physical headphones.

For example, to put it bluntly, a nice pair of headphones or speakers would sound better with a high sampling rate. But downsample and you will hear "weird" effects.

You can check this in your windows sound output settings. For example I use 24bit 48 Khz

Equalizers and sound "enhancements"

- They are only good for 2 purposes. Enhancing crappy audio headphones or speakers and isolating or pumping up certain noises like footsteps or gunfire in certain games.

Everything else... Turn it off. The artist has made so much effort in provide an experience with the sound. If you "enhance it" it is not the original, therefore, things can go wrong hearing it.

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