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Quests all gone



5 years ago Dec 8, 2019, 4:04:05 PM


i started a new Game. But now all Quests are dissappeared. No Faction Quests nothing.

I Created bevore a Custom Faction but Quit the Create Faction Screen and dont saved the Faction. So i think it cant be the reason for this Huge Bug.

The Game is useless for me without Quests and a Story so i stoped Playing atm.



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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 12:40:20 PM

You may have unpinned your quest, which would make it appear that you didn't have any. If you open the quest menu (upper left menu, it's a picture of a cup, second to last), you should see your quests there and you can repin one to make it easier to track.

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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 12:40:20 PM

You may have unpinned your quest, which would make it appear that you didn't have any. If you open the quest menu (upper left menu, it's a picture of a cup, second to last), you should see your quests there and you can repin one to make it easier to track.

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