I'm playing a game as the Unfallen and am looking for the tactics card Shrapnel Munitions but can't find it in the tech tree. Is this card unavailable to the Unfallen, has the card been removed in a new update, or am I simply lost and if thats the case, where is this tactic card? Any help would be appreciated.
Can’t find Shrapnel Munitions as the Unfallen
5 years ago Mar 5, 2020, 5:06:39 AM

I don't always use obliterators, but when I do it's usually in response to Horatio.
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Man Space
Боевой корабль – это машина по производству трупов. Если вы правильно организовали производство, трупы не ваши.
5 years ago
Mar 26, 2020, 12:45:17 PM
"has the card been removed in a new update"
Removed for all factions. Maybe there is a way to return using the mod?
Updated a year ago.
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