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How can i make specific Luxuries in Quest-reward starsystem?



6 years ago Dec 30, 2018, 5:12:32 AM

yup, 1st time asking in g2g.

I touch starsystem of quest-rewards in Celestial World DLC  because it seems so lack in my think.

I was wondering  specific Luxuries can be added in that rewards starsystem, they are mercurite, endless foundries, meta-entactogen, gossamer.

How can i put that in rewards?

Selected answer
6 years ago
Dec 30, 2018, 9:24:35 AM

Hey 11,

I find understanding the nature of your question a little difficult as the phrasing seems broken or like it was fed through a translator but it wont stop me from taking a stab at answering to try and help you out.

You cannot make luxaries in ES2, you must either obtain them through settling of star systems that contain these luxaries on planets, trade with other civiliations or as quest rewards. You cannot add luxaries to the rewards you get from colonising a starsystem, you scan any anomalies present and it will tell you what luxaries are present on each of the planets in the system. If these luxaries you speak of are present already, naturally then you may obtain them through means of colonisation, and once colonised you can reseach technologies that can enhanse luxury reasource gain by adding new buildings to your production queue. (I know this is pretty basic, but until the question is better explained this is all I can really say.

I would suggest trying to rephrase the question, and if you are using a translator like google translate or english is not your first language, you put short simple sentences through google translate or such rather than long ones, as if you do long sentences it can often confuse the translator software, or alternatively asking the question in the language you know best, and hope someone here who knows the answer also speaks it. Sorry I cannot help more.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 30, 2018, 9:24:35 AM

Hey 11,

I find understanding the nature of your question a little difficult as the phrasing seems broken or like it was fed through a translator but it wont stop me from taking a stab at answering to try and help you out.

You cannot make luxaries in ES2, you must either obtain them through settling of star systems that contain these luxaries on planets, trade with other civiliations or as quest rewards. You cannot add luxaries to the rewards you get from colonising a starsystem, you scan any anomalies present and it will tell you what luxaries are present on each of the planets in the system. If these luxaries you speak of are present already, naturally then you may obtain them through means of colonisation, and once colonised you can reseach technologies that can enhanse luxury reasource gain by adding new buildings to your production queue. (I know this is pretty basic, but until the question is better explained this is all I can really say.

I would suggest trying to rephrase the question, and if you are using a translator like google translate or english is not your first language, you put short simple sentences through google translate or such rather than long ones, as if you do long sentences it can often confuse the translator software, or alternatively asking the question in the language you know best, and hope someone here who knows the answer also speaks it. Sorry I cannot help more.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 30, 2018, 12:33:48 PM

hi pyrocite

i am using google translation now.

Previously, similar questions were asked elsewhere, but the answer was also negative.  :(

So I asked the question here and it seems like it was also difficult.  
I have heard that luxury resources have been associated with map generation before, so I would like.

Anyway I appreciate your understanding of my lack of English skills.
You understood exactly.

Happy New Year :)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 2, 2019, 2:32:18 PM
Pyrocite wrote:

I would suggest trying to rephrase the question, and if you are using a translator like google translate or english is not your first language, you put short simple sentences through google translate or such rather than long ones, as if you do long sentences it can often confuse the translator software, or alternatively asking the question in the language you know best, and hope someone here who knows the answer also speaks it. Sorry I cannot help more.

If you want to rephrase the question for him,  it is possible with this little icon above the question title =>

11 will receive a notification and will just have to accept your edit

I hope this tips helps you get the best answer to your question  :) 

Updated 6 years ago.
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