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5 years ago Jul 25, 2020, 11:34:20 AM

There is some content from Endless Space 2 that I am unable to unlock in Steam. SEGA support has not been very useful. Some of the content on games2gether says I have added them to steam but I have not found them in-game. There are other items that do not appear to be in my library on Steamendless space dlc.jpg20200725080012_1.jpg

I hope you can help me more than SEGA did, sorry if my Steam and my game are in Portuguese, I hope you can help out!

Thanks a lot!

Selected answer
5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 9:57:36 PM

From what you have highlighted, they appear to be in your "Updates" section on your Additional content section. The "Little Grin Man" is one of those random global events, not any content you'd see immediatly in game. The Target Locked adds in some various things, the most obvious being the bombers/fighters; you can view your tech tree in game, and if you see fighter/bomber tech it should be active on your game. Finally the easiest way to tell if Stellar Prisoner is active is to find a neutron star node on your game map.

Do they show up on your list of steam DLC? If they do not, but they show up in game then it may just be a visual bug...

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 9:57:36 PM

From what you have highlighted, they appear to be in your "Updates" section on your Additional content section. The "Little Grin Man" is one of those random global events, not any content you'd see immediatly in game. The Target Locked adds in some various things, the most obvious being the bombers/fighters; you can view your tech tree in game, and if you see fighter/bomber tech it should be active on your game. Finally the easiest way to tell if Stellar Prisoner is active is to find a neutron star node on your game map.

Do they show up on your list of steam DLC? If they do not, but they show up in game then it may just be a visual bug...

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 10:48:11 PM

I'll check that out, thanx a lot for your advice!

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