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ejecution time problems (xml archives)



4 years ago Jul 25, 2020, 6:50:20 PM

Hi, i have problems to play in multiplayer mode.When im gonna play multiplayer, the system say: "discrepancies between ejecution time". I ve unnistalled the game, I ve maked the test in steam and the problem persist.

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4 years ago
Jul 27, 2020, 8:07:30 AM

If I understand the question correctly, such problems may occur if your device does not have a time zone or the time does not correspond to your location. There may also be problems with the Protocol when getting time settings from the network, often when connecting via the mobile Internet. You can set the time and time zone manually (without syncing over the network), I hope the problem will be resolved after that.

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4 years ago
Jul 27, 2020, 8:07:30 AM

If I understand the question correctly, such problems may occur if your device does not have a time zone or the time does not correspond to your location. There may also be problems with the Protocol when getting time settings from the network, often when connecting via the mobile Internet. You can set the time and time zone manually (without syncing over the network), I hope the problem will be resolved after that.

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