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Game not installing


5 years ago Sep 7, 2020, 9:46:56 AM

i recently tried reinstalling endless space 2 but when i tried it didn't work because it said that it had a disk write error and i think that the problem is that the game is trying to install pdfs of stroies for dlc i dont have, the hissho and the umbral choir, when i deleted the pdfs it ended up dowloading almost fully but then ending up saying that there was missing files then tried redownloading the pdfs then had another disk write error. i was hoping someone could either provide me with the pdfs so i can just place them in the folder or give me another solution that would be greatly apreciated. 

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5 years ago
Sep 16, 2020, 6:10:56 PM
Through Steam I made sure I was running as administrator and hit the "Continue to DL button" about 45 times then it started to work... Makes no sense but it's installing

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