I am trying to buy the "ENDLESS UNIVERSE COLLECTION" (https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/18709/Endless_Universe_Collection/) bundle on Steam. It does not work. Steam seem to think I have several of the same item in my cart, that is not the case. More users have reported this issue (https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/3047182696782190247/) however when I tried to buy the bundle several times I was struck with a cooldown from trying again (this itself I partly understand and it's on Steam's end). I have contacted Steam Support on ticket no: HT-CP8B-KGKX-RND9. Although I don't think it's likely they will respond before the deal ends.
Please be informed of this issue, and kindly let me know how to resolve it. Looking forward to "HUMANKIND™" particularly, but I have recently found interest in your other titles.
Best regards.