I'm unable to link my steam account. Every time I try to link my account it goes through the process but the steam connect will ask me to link my account as if I didn't just complete it.
Unable to Link Steam Account
3 years ago Jan 23, 2022, 2:53:21 AM
Newcomer Sleeper
I'm in the same boat, trying to get these games2gether-only additions to Endless Space 2.
On my Profile it has a button to link my Steam account.
But under Settings>G2G Connect it says I've linked them.
It's kinda odd having two locations for this.
Additionally, for the content itself, under Rewards>Home it says I've claimed the rewards but it doesn't register that on Steam or even in-game.
And under Rewards>Badges>Connect Your Steam Account it shows I have this Badge but Redeem fails with an Error each time.
I followed the instructions on this link and it still won't work: https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/endless-space-2/forums/73-tech-support/threads/29624-community-challenge-pack-not-activating
I doubt this will help you beyond knowing you're not the only one having this experience.
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