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Endless Space 2 doesn't display in native resolution



2 years ago May 21, 2022, 4:37:18 AM

Hello there,

Firstly, my OS (Windows 11), graphics drivers (I use a Radeon 6700XT) and codecs are up to date and I'm launching the game exe directly as admin.I have 2 displays (WQHD monitor and 4K TV) and if I try to run the game at the native resolution, I see the game cursor and hear the audio but the screen is black. If I use a smaller resolution than the native one (e.g. Full HD on the monitor or WQHD on the TV) everything is fine. This is a relatively new issue so I'm thinking it was either caused by a game update or possibly a WIndows update. Any help would be appreciated as it's annoying not to make the most of your lovely graphics.   :-)

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