Hi! How do I select a favorite badge? Thanks!
6 years ago Jan 28, 2019, 1:38:42 AM

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I think you've already found out.
But for those that still look - just click on your name in the upper scrren and then select either "badges" to the left of the screen or badges cattegory to the right.
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I'm trying to figure this out too. I see no way of selecting favourite badges.
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Part marked by a red circle is a place for favorite badges. You add/replace a badge with left-click.
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Oh, I thought it was that, but the badge doesn't track for points or get checked off when I select badges. Oh well. Thanks for your help.
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Wannabe Newcomer
EliasDerby wrote:Oh, I thought it was that, but the badge doesn't track for points or get checked off when I select badges. Oh well. Thanks for your help.
It looks like you need to select 5 favorite badges (one in each slot) to actually unlock the task for the badge.
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There you go. Thanks all for the answers!
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