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Beacon bandwidth allocation requirements



6 years ago Jan 30, 2019, 1:10:09 PM

I'm trying to figure out how much bandwidth a beacon takes up, because I don't remember the tutorial mentioning this. Sometimes it takes up 10, sometimes it takes up 20, and you don't find out until you've placed the actual beacon from what I can tell.

Now, am I right in assuming that the "price" in bandwidth goes up by 10 for each subsequent active beacon? Not for all of them of course, I mean the first one will cost 10, next one will take up 20 and so forth. 

If so, I'm wondering if there's a bug with that mechanic in that the bandwidth requirements aren't automatically adjusted on your remaining active beacons if you remove one of your earlier acquired beacons. 

For instance, let's say I make a beacon on a special node and it takes up 10 bandwidth. I then make another beacon on another special node that takes up 20 bandwidth. Being the early game, I'm now very short on bandwidth and need to remove one of them to get some bandwidth back, but I prefer keeping the second beacon that takes up 20, so I remove the one from the first special node that takes up 10. But the other one still takes up 20 even though it's the only one left. I eventually think "I have enough bandwidth now for a second beacon" and make a beacon on the special node I initially made the first beacon on which only needed 10 bandwidth, but this new one takes up 20, and so now I have two beacons both taking up 20 bandwidth.

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6 years ago
Jan 30, 2019, 1:40:54 PM

i'm pretty sure it's a bug. I tryed what you described in my save and i'm left with one that is 10 and second one that is 20. would love to hear some devs about this one

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 3, 2019, 10:58:32 PM

10/20 Is an isolated system for which baryon shields are needed? Because of the difficulty level of the game?

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