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Discovering sleeper agents



6 years ago Feb 6, 2019, 12:12:22 AM

So I'm starting to just now realise that you can uncover sleeper agents on your system from traces, but I'm not sure what it is about the trace that uncovers a sleeper, or when, for that matter.

Any insight on uncovering sleepers would be appreciated. Up until this point I figured it was pointless to try and place sleepers on enemy systems, but maybe I'm just being a bad spy boss and accidentally reveal all of my spies to the enemy.

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6 years ago
Feb 24, 2019, 2:23:03 AM
ColHathi wrote:

^^ I get the concept. Maybe I have to make my question more clear, but the problem I'm having is not understanding the purpose of sleeper agents - I get what they do well enough I think. My issue is that, as you said, with sleepers being so important for the UC, I want to know how to best avoid having my sleeper agents be purged. Up until the time when I asked the question, I hadn't realised that the empire you're hacking can discover sleepers imbedded in their systems via a trace. Up until then I'd figured they just do random purges once in a while or if they know they're being hacked. If they still do that then that would be good to know too, but if they only purge when they discover a sleeper... I need to figure out how to best avoid them finding out.

There isn't really a way from what I found out, I ignore hacking completely and have found multiple sleeper agents on my systems.

All you can really do is hope the AI isn't smart enough to purge sleepers, as there isn't a way to prevent the AI from finding out.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 13, 2019, 12:35:54 AM

Actually the best way to avoid detection is not having active sleepers. Let me further explain what im trying to say.

Firts you need to know 'why do i want a sleeper agent in that system?'. To that question you have roughly 4 answers:

1- to see queue status and have vision.

2- i want to build a sanctuary there.

3- i want the leech bonus from sleepers

4- i want upgraded shadows.

To acomplish the number 1 you only need 1 sleeper (thats the only exception of not having active ones) and refresh him every time its detected.

To acomplish number 2, you just need to be fast (if the enemy already has colonized that system) once you have a sanctuary everything becomes easier.

To acomplish number 3 the best strategy is to have sanctuarys in enemy colonized planets, so when you want to achieve the leech bonus you just have to sacrifice your population to convert theirs in sleepers. With enough sanctuarys you can get the full bonus in 1 turn. So you just need to let you pop grow big enough to acomplish this (no active sleepers).

To acomplish number 4 you just use your sanctuarys again, you beging hacking the system, and once you succesfuly done it, you just sacrifice one pop to create a sleeper and imediatly abduct him.

Keep in mind that once the enemy has the proper anti cloak research he will be able to see all your sanctuarys and procede to siegue them.

Hope it helps!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 24, 2019, 2:23:03 AM
ColHathi wrote:

^^ I get the concept. Maybe I have to make my question more clear, but the problem I'm having is not understanding the purpose of sleeper agents - I get what they do well enough I think. My issue is that, as you said, with sleepers being so important for the UC, I want to know how to best avoid having my sleeper agents be purged. Up until the time when I asked the question, I hadn't realised that the empire you're hacking can discover sleepers imbedded in their systems via a trace. Up until then I'd figured they just do random purges once in a while or if they know they're being hacked. If they still do that then that would be good to know too, but if they only purge when they discover a sleeper... I need to figure out how to best avoid them finding out.

There isn't really a way from what I found out, I ignore hacking completely and have found multiple sleeper agents on my systems.

All you can really do is hope the AI isn't smart enough to purge sleepers, as there isn't a way to prevent the AI from finding out.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 3:04:04 PM

It depends - sometimes placing a sleeper is arbitrary - this one guy can see enemy movements, their queue. IIRC they can also consume resources, albait at a negligible rate, but would cripple a nation in great numbers. You can spam a nearby empire while they have weak tech - in time you would accumulate a milestone in their throneworld and get a bigger share. 

They are pretty much necessary for UC, but this is integrated in their mechanics, so I assume you're talking about other races. For other races in particular - its basically like in real life - a 5th column - that has some use, but basically it's up to your forces proper to connquer (or liberate) worlds.

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6 years ago
Feb 8, 2019, 2:36:05 PM

^^ I get the concept. Maybe I have to make my question more clear, but the problem I'm having is not understanding the purpose of sleeper agents - I get what they do well enough I think. My issue is that, as you said, with sleepers being so important for the UC, I want to know how to best avoid having my sleeper agents be purged. Up until the time when I asked the question, I hadn't realised that the empire you're hacking can discover sleepers imbedded in their systems via a trace. Up until then I'd figured they just do random purges once in a while or if they know they're being hacked. If they still do that then that would be good to know too, but if they only purge when they discover a sleeper... I need to figure out how to best avoid them finding out.

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