What can I do to defend my systems from the very powerful obliterator shots?
How Do I Defend My Systems From Obliterator Shots?
6 years ago Dec 12, 2018, 9:59:55 PM

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Well, you have two basic ways of defending your system. One is to build a system shield (you need the t5 empire tecnology if my memory doesnt betray me) or you can upgrade your behemoth to citadel that comes with a system shield. Any of this options will only give a 50% protection meaning that half of your stuff will get destroy unless you have both option on your sysytem.
Beware that after every obliterator shot your system shild will dissapear and you will have to rebuild it. Idk if its the same with the citadel.
Hope it helps! :)
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Shadow Guardian
(Intended to act as a supplement to Balrog's answer.)
If I remember correctly, if you only have a citadel, then it's shield will go down, but you won't have to rebuild it. It will restore itself within a couple turns. If you have both the Citadel and a system shield, then all your buildings and pops will survive, but the system shield will still be destroyed and require rebuilding. However, the Citadel shield will stay online, so you will have to pay attention to which system was hit to remember that you have to rebuild the system shield as there's no distinct way to visually tell the difference between system shields, Citadel shields and which ones have both.
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Old Guardian
A system shield and a citadel each give 50% protection from obliterator shots, to a single system. When both are on a particular sytem, they give 100% protection.
However, each obliterator shot disables a shield. Multiple obliterator shots on a given system will destory or damage that system, and there is no way to defend against this. Additionally, it is not feasible to build a citadel on every system in a medium or large empire. Meaning an enemy can target systems with no shields, or only a planetary shield, and there is no way to defend against this.
The only sure way to defend against obliterator shots is to destroy the obliterator itself. With their long range, obliterators will typically be within a enemy territory, requiring you to go to war with that empire to defend against obliterator shots.
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