Hello everyone,
6 years ago Mar 28, 2019, 9:42:14 PM
Hello everyone,
Why do you report VampTheUnholy?
Are you sure you want to block VampTheUnholy ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock VampTheUnholy ?
UnblockCancelAfter doing some searching around the website, there doesn't appear to be any way to get off-platform notifications. However, Amplitude appears to update their Twitter and Facebook accounts with messages for when voting and other site events are occurring and using those platforms may serve as a substitute to notifications directly from this platform until such a feature may be added.
Why do you report VampTheUnholy?
Are you sure you want to block VampTheUnholy ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock VampTheUnholy ?
We also post announcements of new votes on our Community Discord, if you use that.
But we have heard the community's request for email notification, and I will be sure to discuss it with the web team.
Why do you report The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales?
Are you sure you want to block The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales ?
UnblockCancelClick here to login
Eyeless Heretic