I;m trying to link to my steam account. I loginto steam and then it sends me back to the G2G site but I get a blank screen and my account is not linked.
Linking to Steam
6 years ago Mar 29, 2019, 12:11:59 PM

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Why do you report raspberly?
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I have exactly the same problem. I think it's because we've had an older account which was linked to steam already, so It won't let you link again. Silly thing is it is impossible to trace the old account so it seems you cannot cancel it!!
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Why do you report goddo2?
Are you sure you want to block goddo2 ?
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Why do you report Laboner?
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So I'm not the only one. Any Devs to offer a solution for this?
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Why do you report goddo2?
Are you sure you want to block goddo2 ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock goddo2 ?
For everyone having issues with Steam link, I invite you to send me a private message with your steam id so that I can look at it :)
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Why do you report raspberly?
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BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock raspberly ?
UnblockCancelClick here to login
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