Add more Functions and Effects to be bindable entries to Mouse/Keyboard/HID input from the User:
EXECUTE PLANNED MOVES: Seeing as the button is right next to END TURN, it's a living improvement/failsafe to have the command bindable to a key, eg TAB
CYCLE TO NEXT FLEET: Because diving in and out of the Fleet Manager is seriously inefficient
MORE MODIFIER KEYBINDINGS: SHIFT+, CTRL+, ALT+ combinations for keybinds
CONTROLLER-FRIENDLY INPUTS: These would be applicable to players using game controllers, or controllers other than mouse and keyboard (such as disability controllers)
- Long Press (eg. 300ms)
- Short Press/Single tap
- Double Tap
DIRECT SUB-PAGE ACCESS: EG. The ability to bind inputs to access the Luxury Market directly rather than the last-accessed market.
MP FLARE/PING: Again, too close to the END TURN button allowing for disastrous misclicks. Important to use in Multiplayer games where clarity and accuracy is necessary.
NAME TEXT-PREDICTION/AUTOCOMPLETE AND POSITIONAL LINKING: When a Player types and begins a Meaningful Name (eg. System Name, Constellation Name or Fleet Name) an Autocomplete suggestion of the Name should be made available to the Player typing.
Once Autocompleted, the Meaningful Name should be clickable and link to the entity.
EG. A Player sends a message mentioning the Pyxis System. Any Player reading the message and clicking the name "Pyxis" in chat would link to the Pyxis System in Galaxy View - Economy Scan Zoom level
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