Diplomatic and Economic Warfare

Endless Space 2 is so far a great 4X game, but it is lacking a lot of complexity. I'm here to propose some improvement idea.

Economic Warfare :

Each of the next points are abilities each faction may have (depending on the technology tree (tier 3 technology for example)

- Capture/attack/buy/destroy other factions trade companies.

- Ability to finance insurgent or stage coup in other faction territories (for a time period, event warn the targeted player) 

- Ability to bribe an enemy fleet (convert a proportion of the enemy fleet) for a big amount of dust, depending on the fleet size/if a hero is in the fleet etc)

Diplomatic Warfare : 

- Apply commercial penalties on a target faction ( lower the production rate of a resource, of dust or even industry)

-   Ability to close commercial route for a target empire

- Ability to establish market laws (raise the price of a particular resources for a period of time, trade embargo against a particular faction)