On the one hand, Depletion is pretty integral to Cravers. It is in the Lore, the Population Collection, the Species Hero Skills, even the archievements.
On the other hand, a lot of players loathe playing against Cravers (me included). Particulary conquering them is quite a hassle, as there is simply no way to get rid of depletion unless you are Riftborn. And that is if we can even get rid of the Craver Population itself, wich would just re-apply depletion. Basically you are as stuck with Depletion as a conqueror of the Cravers, as you are with a player of the Craers.
And the AI does not seem to perform that well with it either: I have yet to see a Craver AI capable to actually conquer another AI. Depletion burns it out quicker then it can snowball, particulary early game. Often they do not even have the 50 population to get the "Depleted Planets" Collection bonus so I get at least soemthing out of them.
As a result, I think we should have a galaxy creation option to replace Cravers Depletion based mechanics with non-Depletion based ones:
The Population Attribte "Extreme Foremen" could be repalced with "Meritrocratic Cosmopolitans". It seems a FIDSI bonus is pretty similar to the "+X% FIDSI when not Depleted, but Deplete" mechanic. I mean you even get a FIDSI bonus when Genesplicing them into your Horatios or boosting their growth.
The Craver Hero Final Skill could equally be replaced with a (possibly weak) FIDSI bonus.
I have no real idea regarding the Population Collection, other then a variant with FIDSI bonus. Of course something like "Happiness for Homeworlds" or another copy from a Militarist Law Mechanic would also work.
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