With the upcoming new major faction there could be a spy/sabotage related minor faction. 

This of course is not confirmed and is rather a wish of mine (lol).

If there is a new spying/sabotage mechanic, these animals would be perfect for it. 

Cats are very nimble, agile and are able to see rather well in the dark, making them ideal for a Khajit-like race, who could have their own hero (simillar to the Gnashat) and are able to boost spying activities or whose hero/heroes have a spying oriented ability-tree. The same can be said for Reptiles. Some are even able to blend in with their surroundings.

If its not possible for them to be able to boost spying due to the spying mechanic that has not been announced yet or due to balancing, these could also work as military-oriented factions. As for their ideaology, I can imagine something along the lines of militarists or ecologists, due to their animal-like appearance.

What do you guys think of this idea?