I just wanted to point out some observations and I believe Manpower in regards to system defense has many flaws. 

With all defensive buildings possible with the vaulters my system manpower got to just under 3,000. I have invaded systems with over 4000 man power easy, all u need is to make some or just one seige ship with man power modules and titanium slugs and your on a conquering spree.

There needs to be more defensive options here to protect your systems, at this point the only viable system defense is large fleets. I am not asking for a complete overhaul since I understand the developement time would be long so some suggestions to improve it.

Current building: impervous bunkers: should add 10% decrease to loss of manpower during siege.

An upgraded version of the bunker unlocked in tech tier 3 would add 15% additional decrease to man power depletion during seige.

Another building in the empire developement tree, probably tier 4 or 5 would reduce man power loss by 5% per system level

Another thing is to implement a way to damage/harass the enemy fleet sieging the system.

Building in military tier 2, long range artillary: reduces health of sieging fleet by 5% per turn with a 5% chance of destroying a random sieging ship every turn

Advanced version in military tier 4 or 5: orbital defense platform: reduces seiging ship health by an additional 5% per turn and an additional 5% chance to destroy a seiging ship.

At current state attacking/seiging ships have an overwhelming advantage when attacking a system.

Any other ideas and criticisms are welcome.