ATM all battle conditions can change instantly. This is unpredictable and requries clunky gameplay.
You can retrofit your ships immidiately AND you can change your battle card immidiately.
This prevents continuity in strategy and the ability to truly predict what your opponent will do.
What do I think would be good changes or at least a good direction to think about?
1)More cards with more specific orders.
ship type specific cards giving orders to specifc ship sizes only.
2)The ability to use more than one card.
3)Changing cards should take time and should be gradual. Meaning? That if you are using 3 cards you cannot just change them all. You have ot change one card at a time and it has a cooldown.
4)Card levels- when you use a card of a certain type enough It will upgrade once or twice giving small bonuses each time and solidfying itself making it a bit harder to remove it.
Say you use a card that causes your light hull types to disengage the battle in the middle. If you use the card in enough battles it will upgrade giving them a small dmg bonuses but also increasing the cooldown that is needed to repalce the card with another.
The battle systme actually needs more stability and more gradual change IMO.
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