So did my first playthrough of ES2, and the one thing that stuck in my craw was that managing population between systems was a huge pain. You have to find the name of the colony you want, possibly check your population screen in the senate page to see who has good bonuses for it, find a system they're in with a starport, and then hopefully you remember the name of the system  you want still when you go to set the destination or you'll have to go back and find it. And that's just if you want to send people to a new system, never mind trying to swap population between 2 full systems. Meanwhile, MoO2 had this lovely screen:

All you have to do here is click a guy, click where you want the guy to go, and that is where the guy will go (assuming you have the freighter infrastructure in place but that's neither here nor there). 

Could we possibly get something similar added to the empire screen? Just drag and drop the populations and the game would automatically load up the transports for us from the appropriate systems. Preferrably with the ability to swap population between 2 full systems, so that we maximize the bonuses some governors have for having diverse populaitons and the percent bonuses from having a population in a system (though perhaps I'm misunderstanding those and they're cumlative, instead of all or none).