One of the most interesting and unique aspects of ES2 is the population. I feel that the game would benefit from having a more organic interactions with the populations. If the populations within an empire acted more as a pressure lightly directing the player rather than a tool for the player to use, the populations would feel more alive and like a natural force rather than just another vaule to manage. Rather than giving the player more controle I instead argue that giving the player less controle over their population would make for more imersive and interesting gameplay. I believe that the current system is very good, but with a few tweaks could be even better. Below I have listed a couple ideas that could make the population machanics more organic.

1- Having more more natural migration and limiting shipping population around via space port.

2- Allowing populations to swap places with a population in a neighboring system.

3- Alowing individual populations to take on changes. Example allowing a single Unfallen population to become more religion oriented or giving different fids.

4- Population migration out of a system that does not appeal to that particular population.

Regardless of your options of these suggested changes, positive or negative, I would love to hear how other people feel avout the population management in this game. Thanks for reading.