Hello there!

So, I personally love to play on the biggest size universe. I enjoy being able to explore for hours. However there is one thing that is tactically missing. Some sort of wormwhole/stargate that teleports a fleet from one end of the map to the other. 

My idea was to either link Black holes with eachother (since there's people who believe if you travel inside a black hole you come out an other black hole) OR to make some sort of Ancient stargate that needs a special building / repair in order to function.

This might be a fun idea, in my oppinion, since people could for example strategically wait (camp) at the other side of the gate. Also gives some more opportunities in how to navigate trough the galaxy. Aaand maybe gives another use for random thingies like Black Holes.

Maybe we could make it that those wormholes/blackholes have a disadvantage by either damaging the ships or maybe have a required tech or that you got to repair something there. Who knows!

If you got any better idea/addition please do tell!

Thanks for reading ~ 

Oh, here's a picture, the pink circles that are connected could be possible gates!