Simple UI suggestion:  allow players who don't own Hissho or Vaulters click on the factions they don't own yet. The "play" button would be greyed out naturally. The idea would be that those who don't own those expansions would be able to read about the faction traits etc. in-game so that they may desire to purchase it later. This would result in more sales for the expansions of both Endless Space 2 and Endless Legend and it's just more convenient besides for anyone who quickly wants to assess the factions whether or not they own them all.

Otherwise, one who is interested in the unplayable faction has to minimize the game and look up the faction details themselves. This won't be a deterrent for most players, but it does translate to some sales being lost for no real reason.

It could even have a button going back to the steam store page near the greyed-out play button, though I understand if Amplitude doesn't want to have something immersion breaking or tacky in their UI design.