Add Scaling difficulty to higher difficulties. Endless is way to easy as it is now but giving the AI buffs in the early game just isn't very fun (they will just steamroll you). The most problematic parts for the AI is the midgame and the endgame. Scaling difficulty would solve this by giving the AI turn dependant buffs. 

I think the most fun buffs to play against would be buffs to their ship building capacities so i would propose

Endless on normal speed

Turn 50: -10% ship cost, -10% strategic resource needed when shipbuilding

Turn 100: -25% ship cost, -25% strategic resource needed when shipbuilding (not additive so not -10+(-25))

Turn 150 -50% ship cost, -50% strategic resource needed when shipbuilding, not additive

This would of course be multiplicative to pop bonuses like sheredyn -25% ship cost would be a total bonus of -62,5 % ship cost for example. Of course this might make the AI way to spammy and not fun to play but it could be adjusted i suppose. Would make the late game AI harder in a not to abrasive way i think. (pls nerf oblits)