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Neutral Node: Space Observatory

ExplorationGalaxy Generation

8 years ago
Dec 23, 2016, 3:47:35 AM


A galaxy without an observatory in it is a waste. Away from stars' light pollution, an artificial celestial body - gigantic telescope with an array of exploration tools. Sounds good?

Game mechanics:

Appears as a neutral node (can be isolated too). To use it, you need to orbit a fleet around it for 3 turns and keep at least 1 fleet orbiting around it. Losing all fleets that orbit the observatory resets the owner. The upkeep is 5 Hyperium and 5 Titanium per turn, if the upkeep is not paid - the observatory stops providing bonuses, but doesn't reset owner. The observatory provides following:

  • passive vision around the observatory, starts with 5 vision range, grows by 1 each turn up to 12 vision range;
  • +1 Empire fleet vision range;
  • generates an "Advanced probe" each 2 turns (3 max stock). "Advanced probe" has 3 vision range, 5 speed per turn and 10 turns lifetime. If it is close to a star system, it scans curiosities on planets (decreases lifetime by curiosity level, e.g. 7 lifetime probe passes a system, scans 3 level curiosity - lifetime left is 4 turns). Can scan only one curiosity per lifetime, will not scan if lifetime left is less than curiosity level, low level curiosities are prioritized. Costs 25 Hyperium and 35 Titanium to launch.

I'm not sure if my capture method is legit, regular influence method looks a bit wrong for this idea.

P.S. I want some fascinating art and lore

Updated a month ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Unfortunately, we will probably not be able to add this to the game. Even though we think it's a great idea (and Endless Wonders in general are), I have to mark it as "Out of Vision."


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8 years ago
Dec 23, 2016, 2:54:55 PM
Could nerf "Advanced probe" by setting refresh time to 5 turns and max stock to 1. This will limit simultaneous probes count to 2 at a time. Setting unreasonably high activation cost is plain stupid :D
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8 years ago
Dec 24, 2016, 4:15:51 AM

i like the idea of the observatory.  I think the output could even consist of a science research bonus too.

the super-probe is an interesting idea and I don't think the activation cost you propose is too unreasonable, would actually make it a gamble to launch early game.

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8 years ago
Dec 27, 2016, 3:44:52 PM
AquaticSonarKey wrote:

the super-probe is an interesting idea and I don't think the activation cost you propose is too unreasonable, would actually make it a gamble to launch early game.

I mean, change refresh rate and keep same 25 Hyperium and 35 Titanium launch cost. Getting price higher than that is unreasonable. ^^

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

very nice, maybe to adapt to natural or endless wonders that would give you access to that vision... to keep in mind.
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6 years ago
Jan 12, 2019, 10:56:41 PM

i generally like this idea but i think it should do more than what you describe.

Once you discovered everything around the node the observatory is in, its probes are going to be useless and holding the point and paying 5 titanium and 5 hyperium per round and having to have a fleet there you could use for something different just for +1 fleetvision... idk.

I think the observatory should be something you really really want. Otherwise you could just have a system there that is going to be more useful to you anyways (without having to have a fleet there at all times)

Let me give you my ideas:

The observatory actually has an array of different probes for different purposes:

the observatory can host 3 probes total but you need to build em all. Once stored you can use them any time for free (just building costs; no launchcosts)

1. Exploration Probe: Costs 5 titanium/ 5 hyperium. A probe with 100% higher vision range and 100% higher lifetime than actual probes. Can be sent from the observatory to any system and from there in any direction like you would have an explorationship there.

2. Expedition probe: Costs 5 antimatter / 5 adamantium: A probe that can get attached to any system in the galaxy. Each round the probe will uncover an uncovered curiosity, liftime 5 rounds

3. Military probe: Costs 5 Orichalcix / 5 Quadrinix: A probe that is designed to sabotage enemy fleets and systems. On systems it will cause -10% FIDSI-production and has a chance to destroy a system-upgrade per turn; On enemy fleets it will add the fleets vision to you, show you the route the fleet is taking (like when you are Hissho and enemy fleets travel towards you) and demoralize the fleet resulting in -10% health on ships and troops; lasts 5 turns

ontop of these probes you can only launch if holding the observatory the observatory gives you a couple of empire-bonuses:

- +1 fleetvision

- -5% technologiecost for technologies of the "science and exploration"-sector

- granting you access to the observatory-questline with unique rewards.

rewards for the questline:

1. observers scope; System develoment; Science; 16 dust upkeep; gives the system +10 vision range

2. stirring interest in science; temporary buff; +1 science per population for 20 turns

3. empowered Scouts; hullupgrade for explorationships; grants your explorationships 1 additional module (costs titanium) and 1 additional module (costs hyperium); the modules should be defense/support

4. Seeker of knowledge; empire development; -50% upkeep for sciencebuildings and explorationships

i could imagine making such a special node for each research-section; this would be science and exploration.

Then you could also make 1 for each of the other sections with similar benefits and maybe a special superupgrade if you have em all. But that would be a bit deep now ^^

Updated 6 years ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Unfortunately, we will probably not be able to add this to the game. Even though we think it's a great idea (and Endless Wonders in general are), I have to mark it as "Out of Vision."

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