Apologies if this has been requested before.  This is my first time suggesting an idea.

I just lost a match where I was shamelessly riding the Vaulter AI's coat tails.

Because I fired an obliterator missile at the UE enemies system. And my Vaulter Ally invaded and occupied it the turn before my missile arrived.

I know many people have complained about behemoths before, personally I love them and think they all fit fine in the game. But the ability to cancel an obliterator missile mid-flight (maybe even return the oric/quadri cost?) would be much appreciated.

You could even experiment with stealing obliterator abort codes/revealing in-flight missiles as a possible hacking reward.

Abort codes have been featured in a lot of sci-fi and contemporary fiction.

Most recently/relevantly The Expanse where the missiles could be diverted and recovered (maybe return the missiles to the obliterator, or reduce the reload time upon missile cancellation)