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Let us be bad, or at least have hard decisions

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8 years ago
Jun 21, 2017, 3:50:39 AM

Some times you want to be good and altruistic and sometimes you want to be a despotic meglomaniac, a ruthless federation, an ever expanding virus on the corporeal universe, a mafia or an uncaring tree (the whole world Universe must learn of our peaceful ways.... by force!)

Similar to this idea for Cravers which has been greenlit but providing different benifits and drawbacks for each faction. 


  • Labour camps: +200 industry, - minor faction population, -5 approval and/or influence per remaining minorfaction population for x turns. (numbers as an example)


  • Oxygen is for wimps: Reduce minor faction population on sterile or barren worlds, no benefit.
  • Make what was ugly beautiful: alternative name


  • Ethical life debt work force: minor faction populations into dust and negative happiness/minor faction pop remaining and influence


  • Not tested on animals: minor faction population into science and negative happiness/minor faction pop remaining and influence


  • Blood and bone: minor faction population into food or Unfallen population and negative happiness/minor faction pop remaining and influence


  • In space no one can hear you scream: they dont really have a problem with minor pops but i just want something in the industry queue with this name

All factions

  • Pave paradise: converts from fertile to neutral or neutral to sterile for +20% Industry
  • Sterile lab environment: converts from fertile to neutral or neutral to sterile for +20% Science
  • Drill baby drill: converts from fertile to neutral or neutral to sterile for +20% Dust

The idea is that these would be powerfull early to mid game temptations for players which could be corrected later, at a cost. And would add some grey morality for RP.

Edit: Also major faction population you have 'aquired'

Updated 9 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 13, 2017, 10:13:19 PM

Sounds like a good idea but I wonder if it inteferes with the Faction traits.

My guess it that it will become "Out of Vision" due to the already existing traits for the Custom Factions.

Still. Forcing my enslaved pops into labor camps would help me a lot.

I also made a similar Idea called "Slaves for Everyone" which basicly adds the Slavery Trait into the Customisation Options. Basicly....I almost forgot that this is already in the Customisation. So no point in advertising it. A Slavery Market would be a nice thing though.

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8 years ago
Jul 19, 2017, 8:51:33 AM

Hmmn yeah. Now that you have reminded me ob how factions and the customisation work it would clash a bit... 

To be honest i just would like a generic get rid of unwanted pops tool for everyone with some benefit and some downside. 

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2018, 3:24:40 PM

I would totally agree if players will be have the choice to be bad/good or opportunistic with some repercussions in diplomatics/stats over the your empire ! 

It should lead to more a deeper experience in game

I've proposed an idea a few times ago in the same concept (https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/985-slaves-as-a-marketplace-goods-the-terrible-evil-idea-with-their-consequences), and I regularly see idea linked with "evil side". The difficulties are not to fall in the trap of an Manichean view of good vs bad, but on more complex interactions!

It may be nice to gather theses ideas into a one more deeper and comlex by launching a kind of 'brainstorming' over this aspect of the game ?

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