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Hero Skills Generated each game


8 years ago
Jun 24, 2017, 3:07:21 PM

I would really like to see HEROES skills generated based on three criteria: Their affinity (race), class, and political affiliation.

In other words, when a hero is recruited it should have its skills generated randomly based on those three criteria. With it being random, it makes it more fun and keeps the players from exploiting one particular type of hero.

A large pool of skills, say forty (and it needs to be moddable) for each of the three branches, would be best to give each character flavor.

I realize that this is a new system to ask for, and may have to wait until a dlc.

I would also like assignment information added to the skills screen and the individual hero screen.

Updated 10 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 25, 2017, 2:13:22 PM

Is nice idea because it is quite tedious read and choose the  skills of the heroes. Perhaps they could incorporate the system of the  heroes of might and magic 3, in which every time the hero rises of  level, you can choose between only 2 new random abilities relative to its type  and race.

That can give dynamism to the management of the heroes.

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8 years ago
Jul 10, 2017, 6:22:03 AM

Finally! gaining some traction.I see you put up your own MM3 style one! Good idear!

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6 years ago
Nov 12, 2018, 9:47:10 AM
minurominerwin wrote:

Is nice idea because it is quite tedious read and choose the  skills of the heroes. Perhaps they could incorporate the system of the  heroes of might and magic 3, in which every time the hero rises of  level, you can choose between only 2 new random abilities relative to its type  and race.

That can give dynamism to the management of the heroes.

I love the system of Homm III, nice idea!

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4 years ago
Aug 8, 2021, 11:15:20 PM

I think that there should perhaps be garunteed skills for the heroes in each tier for race, faction, and affinity, but others be randomized? Like, the Vaulter Heroes have skills in the vaulter line that legitimately are essential to the Vaulters if they get a bad start.

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