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Celestial Vines 2.0 - balancing Unfallen colonization

Major FactionsSystem Management

8 years ago
Jun 27, 2017, 4:34:10 PM

At the moment, the Unfallen have the most powerful mode of  colonization. Especially in custom faction builds, this gets even more  exaggerated, leaving all other affinities behind.

Why  does this happen? Normal colonization peruses ships that have to go to a  system with a colonizable system, call in supplies for a substantial  amount of the food production of another planet, have a piracy-free  orbit to grow and a free supply line to receive much-needed food boosts.

If  you play the Riftborn, you're only relieved of all the food-related  ills, but instead need to spend large amounts of strategic resources to  achieve useful growth levels.

The Unfallen on the other  hand can root in any system closeby and they can stack their vineships  up to rooting one system per fleet per turn, potentially allowing an  unrivaled colony rush no other affinity can match.

In  order to ameliorate this problem, I propose constraining the maximum  amount of vineships that can be used in a fleet to speed up rooting, by  making it depend on the number of nodes vines are conjured from.

Any  system that is rooted would be able to support up to two vineships for  the rooting of any nearby nodes at the same time. This way, Unfallen  players could use up to two colony ships at the start of the game, not  hindering them in a meaningful way. But their colonization would be  constrained by more than proximity in the mid- and endgame, as vineship  stacks would not be able to grow indefinitely with any purpose.

Moreover, the choice of which systems to root, instead of rooting anything at once, becomes more meaningful.

Rooting  a system with lots of neighbours with 2 ships instead of two systems  with one ship each, when both systems in question are adjacent to a  single node, might mean the difference between using up to 4 ships on  the next desired node or at most 2. Order of colonization would suddenly  matter, especially when traversing across constellations.

In effect, this would render any rooted systems surrounded exclusively by other rooted systems useless for speeding up colonization, thereby regulating celestial vine expansion.

Updated a month ago.
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