The Economic Victory (dust based) is too easy to obtain. I find myself finishing games in which i want to go for a Wonder Victory or a Diplomatic Victory by earning too much dust -> Eco-Victory.

I always build my empires with a focus on dust, since it allows me to instantly produce ships in a crysis, buyout urgent system developments or influence elections as a's good to have lots of cash in this game. But due to my economically-inclined mentality i always seem to obtain an economic victory, even if i want to try to build the wonders and see the wonder ending.

Also, when playing against a lumeris AI i ALWAYS have to rush and eliminate him since they tend to win pretty fast due to Economy if left unchecked.

It's not a uncircumventable problem, but it feels annoying to try to limit dust income so i have the chance of winning in a different way. Either that, or i take out the posibility for the economic victory from the start, which works, but feels a bit unnecesary.

What i propose: up the required dust cap for the eco-victory. It's great that the AI plays according to their strenghts now (Lumeris working on dust) but it feels disproportionatley easy to win with dust, compared to the other peaceful win conditions.