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Hero XP Rework & Balancing for Systems and Fleets

System ManagementSpace BattlesMilitaryHeroesExploration

8 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 1:39:52 PM

The current XP system in place has a strong bias towards heroes assigned to systems due its strong bias towards building buildings. 

I believe that it should be replaced with a more passive system where heroes gain xp based on the ranking or relative size of the system / Fleet they are assigned to.

For Systems:

Using the built-in system ranking feature (seen in scan mode sometimes)

You can grant XP to the hero based on what the assigned systems ranking is.

I.E. The rank 1 star system would give say 10XP a turn (the devs can pick the actual XP amount) and the lowest rank would give say 1XP a turn, all star systems in-between would get a relative reward.


E.G. There are 5 Colonized systems in the galaxy if heroes were assigned in descending rank they would get:

10, 8.2, 6.4, 4.6, 2.8, 1 (Rounded 10, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1) (Floor'ed 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1)

Non-Passive XP:

I think the current XP mechanics in place for star systems should still remain but have a reduced amount of XP that it gives.

For Fleets:

Fleets should have a similar passive mechanic where based on its ranking compaired to all other fleets in the galaxy.

(as if it was based on fleet size it would be either underpowered early game or overpowered late game and basing it off percent of fleet CP filled it try combat that would give an advantage to the small fleet trait and a disadvantage to the big fleets trait especially early game)

And In a similar fashion to star systems the best fleet would give 10XP to an assigned hero and the worst fleet would give 1XP if a hero was assigned.

Non-Passive XP:

An active fleet should be rewarded for being active not just by being given XP for doing an action but by having a growing bonus depending on how active it has been in the past few turns.

I.E. All Fleets have a (possibly hidden) attribute of XP bonus which starts a 1.00 if the fleet does an action that caused the hero to gain XP the bonus if flagged to be increased for next turn by X amount (up to the Devs, I'm thinking 0.10) Then during the next turn it does an action that gains hero XP that XP is multiplied by the XP bonus and again flag to be increased. Now the bonus will increase up to a cap (1.50 or 2.00 Maybe) and if it is not flagged to increase at the end of a turn it will decrease by X (possibly more that the amount it normally goes up per turn) but not below the starting value of 1.00 (maybe it could, it would be a reason to keep fleets doing stuff, but only if guarding would freeze the value from dropping)

E.G. It’s the start of the game the scout has had the hero assigned, XP bonus is at 1.00. The Fleet travels to a new system and the hero gains the regular XP amount then the turn is ended, XP bonus is at 1.10. The Hero Gains the passive XP (The fleet is ranked 4th/10 so they get 7XP) They travel to a new system and the hero gains 1.10*XPforExplorationAmount XP, The Turn ends XP bonus is at 1.20. They on towards a new system but do not discover it, the turn ends XP bonus is at 1.10.

Thoughts or Questions ? Just write them below

Updated 10 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 18, 2017, 6:32:04 PM

For reference, here is the current experience values that I have found so far:

All assigned heroes: 

* 3 exp per turn

Fleet commanders: 

* 5 exp per destroyed CP

* 6 exp per searched curiosity on fleet


* industry/12.5 for finished system improvements and ships

* industry/10 for finished wonders

The problems stem from the fact that curiosities run out, fights are rare and industry quickly scale to very high numbers. For example, a 500 industry system gives the equivalent of 40 exp / turn to the governor (50 if building wonders). That's the equivalent of winning a 8-10 CP fight every turn.

My suggestion is to keep the governor exp as it is, but increase fleet exp with something like 2exp/CP/turn. That would keep the two assignments much closer together in exp/turn.

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