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Blockading Trade Companies should Steal Resources!

Trade CompaniesMilitaryEconomy

8 years ago
Jul 10, 2017, 1:52:26 PM

Basically the title.

Trade companies are as a few people have put, 'over tuned' and though they can be stopped, destroyed and blockaded there is no trade off or risk.

If trade routes and in particular the company systems and the subsidiaries could be blockaded for some portion of the resources it would be the risk and play of protecting the trade routes vs rewards of pillaging and plundering.

The amount of resources stolen could be influenced by militarist laws, battle cards, modules and heros.

Also Space Pirates

Updated 6 months ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 1, 2017, 10:33:42 PM

This seems like the most elegant way to provide extra resources to militaristic raiders, since it's based on a system which already exists. It also works in Cold War, so warmongers have something to do in their off time.

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8 years ago
Aug 2, 2017, 1:03:32 PM

isn't this already a thing though? blockading a trade route siphons off the resources of that route dependant on the military might of the fleet blockading the route. that's what the devs said was the case, anyway, the AI never build trade companies for me and I don't act hostile even if they did so I wouldn't know.

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8 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 1:47:17 AM

My bad if thats already the case.

Might do some tests later but I have never noticed income from blockading trade routes though as you said the AI rarely builds them. I have a game with 3 AI TCs so I will test it out later.

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